This is now ready for uploading/exporting to the Map Editor Tool.
If you want to change a few rooms in your campus you can do it directly in the uploaded poi list in Map Editor. See how to below.
1. Go to the POI Import menu by clicking the POI import button
2. Click on the POI list you want to edit (the poi list is active when it has a check mark next to it)
3. The POI list would look like the picture below. Click on the cells you would like to change and then type.
4. Once you have done the desired changes, click "Save changes as a new version"
5. For the changes to be visible in the map you would have to run an update. Click the "Run Update" button.
6. Do an import by clicking "Import Poi Data". That means that the changes would appear in Map Editor
7. For the changes to be visible in use.mazemap.com you would have to publish by clicking the "Start publish process".