LIPI Image Version
The current stable LIPI version is4.2.2
Start Server
Create an environment variable filelipi-docker-env-file
Code Block language bash LIPI_API_KEY=<lipi-api-key> POSITION_PROVIDER_USERNAME=<username-here> POSITION_PROVIDER_PASSWORD=<password-here>
Then use the environment variable file to start the lipiCode Block language bash docker run --rm --name lipi \ --env-file=lipi-docker-env-file \ -p 443:8080 \ gcr.io/mazemap-public-docker/lipi:4.2.2
Alternatively you can include the environment variables in the docker run command
Remember to fill in the placeholdersCode Block language bash LIPI_IMAGE_VERSION=4.2.2 LIPI_API_KEY=<lipi-api-key> docker run --rm --name lipi \ -e LIPI_API_KEY=$LIPI_API_KEY \ -e POSITION_PROVIDER_USERNAME=<username-here> \ -e POSITION_PROVIDER_PASSWORD=<password-here> \ -p 443:8080 \ gcr.io/mazemap-public-docker/lipi:$LIPI_IMAGE_VERSION
Start Server with local
Remember to fill in the placeholders.Code Block language bash LIPI_IMAGE_VERSION=4.2.2 LIPI_API_KEY=<lipi-api-key> docker run --rm --name lipi \ -e LIPI_API_KEY=$LIPI_API_KEY \ -e POSITION_PROVIDER_USERNAME=<username-here> \ -e POSITION_PROVIDER_PASSWORD=<password-here> \ -v <your-config-path>:/app/resources/local_config.json \ -p 443:8080 \ gcr.io/mazemap-public-docker/lipi:$LIPI_IMAGE_VERSION