Changes to the LIPI configuration can be applied by simply restarting the running lipi-server containerdeleting the container:
Code Block | ||
| ||
docker restart lipi-serverrm -f lipi |
And then starting again it in the same way as normal.
Available LIPI versions
You can choose to run a specific LIPI version by replacing latest
with a specific version string. To list available versions:
Code Block | ||||
| ||||
docker image ls --format '{{json .Tag}}' wget -q https://gcr.io/v2/mazemap-public-docker/lipi/tags/list -O - | \ python -c "import json, sys; tags=json.loads(sys.stdin.read())['tags']; print(*[tag for tag in tags if len(tag) < 40], sep='\n')" |
Recognized variables
LIPI_API_KEY - Api key from lipi config in Map Editor
LIPI_HTTP_SCHEME - The http protocol LIPI will run with (
)POSITION_PROVIDER_USERNAME - Username of the position provider (CMX, Aruba ALE...)
POSITION_PROVIDER_PASSWORD - Password of the position provider (CMX, Aruba ALE...)
HTTP_PROXY_SCHEME - Proxy server protocol (http or https)
HTTP_PROXY_HOST - Host name of proxy server
HTTP_PROXY_PORT - Port number for proxy server