Note: Kindly check that the entries are not replicated and are sorted by buildings, floors etc. (for easier reference later)
The chronology of the columns is usually the following:following should be the column headers in the POI list:
A -- MazeMap Building ID (system-generated)
B -- Floor-Prefix (system-generated -- in cases where multiple buildings use same room codes) ORB -- Floor Level (system-generated) – based on Z-level and not on the floor naming convention in effect in the country where the campus is located. (A concatenation of building ID and floor level. This is used to identify the correct floor plan in case there are identical room IDs in the same building or across buildings).
C -- Building Name (system-generated)
D -- Room ID from CAD (system-generated -- data from the CAD drawings) ORD – Floorplan Label (system-generated, shows unique ID of the room polygon)
E -- Text Visible in the Map (stands as Title for the POIthe name of the room that is visible in the map)
F -- Type of Room (the room category., eg. toilet, meeting room, study room, pantry etc.)
G to L -- Searchable Names (will not appear in the Map but will appear in searches for the particular POI)
K -- URL-identifier (in instances where you want to upload the URL information to make Rich POIs in bulk )
L -- Description (in instances where you want to upload the description information to make Rich POIs in bulk)
Note: Please do not change the entries in Column A-D (in case, you are using Floor Prefix, then it should be Columns A-E) as changing them will affect the Map. The entries in the Column that says “Text Shown in the Map” are the designated “Titles” of your POIs.G – Description (Description of the POI)
H – Identifier (unique location code, typically a concatenation of campus ID, building ID and room ID
I – URL (Add a URL to the POI, will appear in the POI card).
J – URL text (the url text will be clickable and will take the user to the URL destination
K – External references (Sensor api, resource booking mailboxes that should be connected to the POI).
L – People Capacity (max number of people allowed in the room)
M → Searchable Name (Names that should be searchable - there can be multiple columns with searchable names).
Fill the form in with the information requested.
This is now ready for uploading /exporting to the Map Editor Tool.
If you want to change a few rooms in your campus you can do it directly in the uploaded poi list in Map Editor. See how to below.