G -- Text Visible in the Map (customer-centric specific - the name of the room that is visible in the map)
H -- Type of Room (customer-centric specific - the room category., eg. toilet, meeting room, study room, pantry etc.)
I – Searchable Name (customer-centric specific - Names that should be searchable - there can be multiple columns with searchable names).
J – Description (customer-centric specific - Description of or any additional details about a POI)
K – Identifier (customer-centric specific - unique location code, can be a concatenation of campus ID, building ID and room ID, can also be a unique alphanumeric code from the customer's timetabling, FMS or ERP system)
L – URL (customer-centric specific - Add a URL to the POI, will appear in the POI card).
M – URL text (customer-centric specific - the url text will be clickable and will take the user to the URL destination
N – External references (customer-centric specific - can be Sensor api, resource booking mailboxes that should be connected to the POI).
O – People Capacity (customer-centric cspecific - max number of people allowed in the room)