In order to configure the beacons, first navigate to Crowd Connected’s web app and log in: https://app.crowdconnected.com/
The Customer Success Manager assigned to the project should give you access. If you haven’t been given access to the system, contact your CSM directly.In the menu on the left, click on “Positioning Configuration” and then select “Beacons”:
Select the Floor plan that you want to add the beacons on:
In order to start, click on the “Place Beacon” button - it will prompt a menu to appear on the left where you can enter the beacons.
You probably want to add beacons in batches, especially if the project is to be setup for a bigger area, so start with the “Create new Batch” section. After entering the UUID, it’s typical to set the Major to 0 and then reference the sticker on the beacon for the Minor ID:
Please then remember to save the batch:
This will save the batch so that you won’t need to retype the UUID everytime you configure a new beacon (as long as the beacon is confirmed to belong to the saved UUID by the manufacturer) - you will be able to select your saved batch from the drop down menu in the “Choose Batch” field. Also, when you try to place a new beacon the system will automatically remember the latest used batch:
The system should also confirm that you have created a new batch:
Before testing positioning in the native MazeMap app, it’s advised to check if everything is in order in the Crowd Connected test app called Sail. The test app can be downloaded from the app store - the details should be delivered by the CSM assigned to the project, but the app store link can also be accessed through a PDF that is created once “Generate replacement demo app access token” button is hit:
Please note that the credentials are going to be regenerated every time this button is hit, and the old credentials will no longer be active. The PDF and the credentials will be saved and delivered by the CSM to avoid confusion. Authentication key should ideally be only created once. If there is a need to create it again, please make sure that all team members are notified, as those credentials also need to be updated in the MazeMap configuration.