IndoorAtlas is a technology that uses the magnetic fields that are in all buildings and rooms. This has proven to be a high quality technology used for positioning especially since it is possible to combine the technology with other positioning mechanisms. MazeMap customers often will benefit if they use IndoorAtlas in combination with Cisco CMX based positioning. Our experience is that IndoorAtlas will provide a more exact positioning than CMX but requires more work with Fingerprinting and the end user also needs to download an app to use the technology. When we combine the two solutions it is possible for a visitor to use only CMX while e.g. employees or students at a university can download the MazeMap app in order to IndoorAtlas positioning to work. IndoorAtlas will also use the floor mapping from CMX in order to locate the correct floor a In order for IndorrAtlas to work on IoS devices you need to use it together with either CMX (or similar) or beacons. This is so that the IoS device will be able to distinguish which floor the user is located on.
To set up positioning with IndoorAtlas you need to follow the steps below:
The process of setting up Maps are described in by IndoorAtlas. Follow the instructions to set up the maps correctly. In order for it to work properly you need to use images that are exported from MazeMap. This is done using the functionality Export images in the MazeMap Map Editor.
IndoorAtlas has a process called Fingerprinting to gather signal data in the buildings. How this is done is described here. MazeMap We recommend that you read through documentation of how to achieve good fingerprinting coverage and recording paths. We suggests that you use different devices to do the fingerprinting to achieve the best result, you are recommended to do the fingerprinting 2-3 times in order to record the best result. A list of the best devices for the fingerprinting is listed available here. It is recommended that you be in the middle of a corridor or room instead of being close to a wall when collecting fingerprints. . Please also note the Android 9 Wifi Fingerprinting Limitations.
Step 4: Create API Keys
In order for MazeMap to set up the positioning on our side we need a set of API Keys from IndoorAtlas.
- Go here to get an overview of the application you have created.
- If there are no applications created, you need to do this by clicking +Create new application in the upper right corner.
- When you have created the applications you need you can click on the name of the application. You will then get the possibility to create API keys by clicking on the Add new Api key button on the right side of the screen.
Step 5 Test position in IndoorAtlas own app MapCreator
To be sure that everything is set up correctly and that the mapping and positioning is working as expected, check the position you get by using the MapCreator app from Indoor Atlas. You will then see how the position from IndoorAtlas works isolated. When this is working as expected, you are ready to test it in the MazeMap app.
Step 6 Send credentials to MazeMap:
MazeMap needs to do some configuration at our end. Please gather the information listed bellow and send it to with the topic IndoorAtlas set up for <campus name>
- The API key id and API key secret from the step above, for example:
API key id: 3d7259fa-0f5f-4af1-bf5d-56aeb8c1205f
API key secret: M1ejvibhNCzey2mq0pXNVMQRJS7SW0DVieqJHKlrs95jKdbbWXu3m2WOL9DJlK9m/DQiclez6P3D+EUAidGQy6lMMSRXp8U+HldgwUhokNCX7ogkaFKBhrOFCbzzCw== For every floor that is set up with IndoorAtlas we need the following information (this can be provided in a spreadsheet or similar):
Building name used in
Building name used in CMX MazeMap
- Location name
- form IndoorAtlas
- Location ID from IndoorAtlas
Z-level in MazeMap Floor level in CMX- Floor plan ID in IndoorAtlas
You can find the floor plan ID, location ID and location information in IndoorAtlas by clicking on My locations in the menu on the left hand side.