Click the following link to sign up for Resource Booking with MazeMap:
Review the terms of service and privacy statement for both Microsoft 365 and MazeMap. Provide your consent by clicking the Accept button.
The optional auto unbooking feature allows resources to automatically be un-booked if occupancy sensors or wifi check-in policies show that the resource is unused. This frees up the resources for other users. For example, automatically cancelling a meeting room booking if a sensor in the room shown shows no one is present, allows another user to book the room.
Click the following link to sign up for auto un-booking with MazeMap: https://login.microsoftonline.com/common/adminconsent?client_id=5de804c1-0453-4ffa-9000-df9f5623e222&redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2Fuse.mazemap.com%2Foauthsuccess.html
Review the terms of service and privacy statement for both Microsoft 365 and MazeMap, and provide your consent by clicking the Accept button.
Booking config settings
Deprecated setup - Sign up and consent