How to create URL Links to MazeMap Web/App
This document describes the basics of linking or creating links to the MazeMap web application.
Constructing Links to MazeMap web application:
MazeMap maps are linkable using a fairly easy URL template, made up of:
Customer Config Tag
Campus ID number
Destination POI ID / Identifier / Coordinate
Optional Origin / Start POI ID / Identifier / Coordinate
Here is a list of example URLs to one of our Demo Campuses:
Link to campus only, using Campus ID
2. Link to specific room, using Room Identifier
3. Link to a specific room, using POI ID
4. Link to a wayfinding using preset Start / Dest., using Room Identifier
You will spot in these links the different parameters:
config=meetingroomdemo (this is the customer config tag, never changes, purely arbitrary you or your CSM can agree what to use)
campus=344 (this is the Campus ID, never changes, system-generated so not changeable either)
sharepoitype=poi / identifier (this specifies if you are referring to POI ID or Identifier string)
For linking to a specific room / POI
sharepoi=MM-1-MR-A (this is the identifier string of the linked poi)
For linking to wayfinding with preset start/dest
startype=poi/identifier (for wayfinding link, this specifies if using POI ID or Identifier for the start)
start=MM-1-MR-E (this is the identifier format for a specific room)
desttype=poi/identifier (for wayfinding link, this specifies if using POI ID or Identifier for the destination)
dest=MM-1-MR-A (this is the identifier format for a specific room)
With these URL parameters you can construct links to campus, or any POIs and wayfinding as long as you know the identifiers/ids of the places you want to route to/from.