Webex Integration

Webex Integration


The Cisco Webex integration is e.g. used for room occupancy visualisation. Instead of activating the integration with Cisco Spaces (and getting the data via the Firehose API), the information is sent by the Webex Control Hub to MazeMap as a series of events using the Webex API.

For more information about the accessible data and what it is used for, please refer to this documentation: https://mazemap.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/AB/pages/2395668481


This document describes the steps to set up a direct integration between Webex and MazeMap, including the different features this integration provides.

Requirements before the activation

Before activating the integration, the customer needs to provide us with some information. The information is needed to create an user account for the customer in the MazeMap administration tool. Please find the information needed listed below.


1.) Customer`s responsibility:

  • Organisation admin email (Webex admin) - The customer needs to send this to their CSM.

2.) MazeMap`s responsibility:

  • The CSM will add this email address to “User Management” (on the customer level) and add the following rights to this account:

    • Admintool

    • Webapp Config

3.) Customer`s responsibility:

  • The customer should create a MazeMap account before starting with the activation.

Activation of the Webex integration


Please follow the steps below to activate the Webex integration:


  • First of all, every new customer needs to go to gobeta.webex.com and apply for the Webex Devices Software beta program.

Please be aware that it usually takes some days to get entitled for the beta.


  • When entitled, please search for the “MazeMap Workspace Integration” and activate it.


  • When enabled on gobeta.webex.com, please go to the Webex Control Hub.

  • The customer needs to log in to their Webex Control Hub with an Webex admin.

The Webex admin should be the same address as shared with MazeMap before.


  • Please select "Workspaces" and navigate to the "Integrations" button. There, the MazeMap “Workspace Occupancy Visualiser” should appear.


  • Go through the process until you get to the MazeMap administration tool to finish the setup.

  • Now we are able to get data from the Webex API.


Setting up the Webex features in MazeMap


To set up the different features you will need to go to the Webex Integration Setup page inside the admin tool (admin.mazemap.com). The customer can find their setup page when clicking in the campus overview inside the MazeMap admin tool. Under “Webex Integration”, a button will bring you to the right section.


The customers Webex integration page should look similar to the following:


The main page will give you an overview over the account information:

  • Webex Org Name (Coming from the Webex Control Hub)

  • Webex Org Id (Coming from the Webex Control Hub)

  • Created At (Date of the activation)

  • Provisioned At (Date when it was provisioned)

In addition, there are different sections at the top of the page. To start with, a customer would need to connect their devices to the related POIs in MazeMap. When done, the integration consists of three different features, which are described in the related section. Please find a detailed description of every section below.

Connect Devices to POIs


After the activation, MazeMap is able to get data via the Webex API. That means that the devices, listed under “Devices” in the Webex Control Hub should appear in the MazeMap administration tool (menu on the left-hand side).



These devices can now be connected to Points of Interests (POIs) in MazeMap.


To connect a device with a POI in MazeMap you have to follow these steps:

  • Please select the device in the left-hand menu first.

  • Then choose and click on a room, which will then be highlighted in yellow.

  • Click on the “Connect” button to finish creating a connection.

The device should be connected to the POI now.

Connected Rooms are highlighted as following:


Room Occupancy

The room occupancy is very easy to set up. Please find a description of how to enable the feature and how it works below:


Split Meeting


First of all, to make this feature work, does the customer need to enable the resource booking feature with Outlook.

To enable the resource booking feature with Outlook, please follow the steps in the documentation: https://mazemap.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/DPD/pages/719290373

If the consent form has been filled out and the mail addresses of the meeting rooms have been added, the max capacity for rooms can be added to the rooms/ POIs, as described below:

Please find a description of how the feature works below:


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