Before you begin working on the kiosk please make sure that the device the kiosk will be placed on supports OpenGL or you may see a WHITE SCREEN when it’s placed on there.
Devices using a Windows OS must be in Tablet Mode in order for it to function correctly.
Known devices affected by the white screen issue are: WebEx board 55 & 55c
What we know - Cisco is working on having an option to install a new browser available to admin users of the affected devices. This will be rolled out at a later date. For the time being it's the device admin who must contact Cisco and schedule onsite assistance to enable OpenGL.
The Kiosk works best on Chromium based browsers but it also work well with other browsers. Kindly check this site for compatibility
NB: Please confirm your subscription to this feature with your Customer Success Manager so they can fetch give you access to the Kiosk tool, give you a unique kiosk ID and create the base kiosk for your campus.
Kiosk Setup - an overview
When you have admin access to create Kiosks, the Kiosk functionality will look like this:
The blue buttons on the left allow you to set and populate your kiosk.
Arrange your positioning and lay down your marker
Begin by deciding the orientation of your kiosk. Choose either Landscape or Portrait mode.
Then start rotating and zooming in to your desired orientation of the map. Click ‘Use current view as the initial map view’ button to keep it that way.
Use the ‘Move you are here’ button to mark where to place the Kiosk on the map.
(Please note, the button will disappear and will only return once you have placed the marker on the map)
Be sure to select the correct floor when adding the marker (look in the bottom right corner of the page).
Once the Kiosk point has been set, you can start to use the other buttons in the UI to select what the Kiosk will show.
Here is a quick reference to what the other buttons do
Changing the Language of your Kiosk: The kiosk is set to English by default and as a consequence, the keyboard that shows when you are typing on the Search field is also in International Qwerty layout. However, you can set it to Norwegian or to Swedish if either is the vernacular in your campus.
Adding webapp config tag
Enabling 3D-rendering of your maps in Kiosk. Tick the box to set the kiosk to 3D.
Disabling short links. For our more security-conscious customers, disabling the short links that masks the complete URL of the kiosk may be the preferred solution.
Adding primary theme color. If you prefer your organization’s primary color to be the dominant color in your kiosk, then it can be easily changed.
Click the Color Picker highlighted in the screenshot.
The Color Picker pop up box will appear and will allow you to either choose from the Color Array or to type in the Hex Code of the main color you want.
Note: Accepts 6 characters after the # so make adjustments in case it appears not to accept the Hex Code you have typed in.
How to add a POI Category button for only one building
Previously, adding a POI Category button would generate results for the entire campus. Now you can choose what POI Category will be displayed for which Building by following the steps detailed below:
Select “Add a POI category button”:
2. Select a building that you want the POIs to show up for:
3. Then select the POI type, and click the “Add poi category” button:
4. The button will appear on the Kiosk quick search menu:
5. Once clicked on, it will generate results only for the selected building:
Please note that you can still add a POI category button that will generate results for the entire campus by not selecting any particular building in the initial menu.
Whilst adding your POIs to the kiosk, you may notice that some of them only have a floorplan room number and not a particular name that the room is known by.
This can be fixed quite easily, but needs a bit of practice to get it right:
How to customise POI button names
At the top of the Editor, you may notice you are on the Edit tab. By clicking on the Raw JSON tab, you can customise the data that is viewed in the Kiosk. In the example below, you can see that the POI called ‘Social Point’ on the map, comes up with name ‘1301 D St.’
By clicking on the Raw JSON tab we can change this to ‘Social Point’
Find the POI you need to change, in this example it’s 1301 D St:
Change the text to what you need it to look like in the Kiosk. In this case it’s ‘Social Point’
The POI will change from this:
To this:
You must click on the save Icon in the bottom of the Raw JSON tab for the change to take effect.
How to Delete POI buttons
If you want to delete a POI, Type or Nearest POI, you need to delete all of the code between the
Please note, the final item in the POI, Type or Nearest list will not have a ‘,’ and this will need to be removed in order to save your changes
How to Reorder POI buttons
If you want to reorder a POI, Type or Nearest POI, you need to cut all of the code between the
And then paste it into your desired location
When you have finished your tweaks, everything is live. No need to push to publish.