This guide is to help you reset your password for MazeMap Admin Tool for MazeMap created accounts.
Security Warnings
Never Share Your Password: MazeMap will never ask for your password via email except for the initial login.
Do Not Share Passwords: It is recommended to not share accounts. Each user should have their own account.
Confirm Links: Always verify the authenticity of any links sent to you before clicking. Ensure they are from a trusted MazeMap source.
Security Breaches: Report any security breaches to MazeMap Support immediately.
Steps for SAML Managed Accounts
Password resets for SAML managed accounts are handled by your local IT support. Please contact your IT department for assistance.
Steps for Password Reset
Head to the MazeMap Admin Tool login page: https://admin.mazemap.com
Enter your email address and then click “Next”.
On the next window, under the “Log On” button click "Forgotten your password?".
Once on the Recover password page, enter the email address of your MazeMap Admin Account that you would like to recover and click "Recover". This will return an Okay message, which will sent you an email with the reset instructions.
Once verifying to ensure that the reset link starts is https://admin.mazemap.com - click on the link
The Set new password for account page is opened. Enter your new password and re-enter your password. Once completed click “Set Password”.
Congratulations you have now reset your MazeMap Admin Password and can log into the tool again.