Title: | Paths | |
Owner: | Tina Tan | |
Creator: | Tina Tan | 05 Jun, 2019 |
Last Changed by: | Roselle B Dela Fuente (Unlicensed) | 29 Jun, 2022 |
Tiny Link: (useful for email) | https://mazemap.atlassian.net/wiki/x/IwA2KQ | |
Export As: | Word · PDF |
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MazeMap Customer Self Help (2)
MazeMap Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) MazeMap Knowledge Hub |
Children (9)
The Path Editor: Tools & sections briefly explained
How do I create a path?
How to delete one or more paths?
Can we delete the path that goes through restricted/specific areas?
Is there a way to prevent public people from using a path without deleting it?
We don’t get a path between our office and the canteen, how can I fix it?
Source Node & Target Node: How to differentiate between them?
Test Published Paths
What is a path?
The Path Editor: Tools & sections briefly explained
How do I create a path?
How to delete one or more paths?
Can we delete the path that goes through restricted/specific areas?
Is there a way to prevent public people from using a path without deleting it?
We don’t get a path between our office and the canteen, how can I fix it?
Source Node & Target Node: How to differentiate between them?
Test Published Paths
What is a path?
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