MazeMap Basemap Editing (Open Street Map / MapBox)

MazeMap Basemap Editing (Open Street Map / MapBox)

MazeMap uses Open Street Map as its basemap with MapBox as our tile integrator.

We recommend that you review and edit the basemap via Open Street Map within your campus/site boundaries to make the maps richer and more accurate.

Common issues in OSM:

  • buildings are not correctly placed

  • foot paths are missing or incorrect

  • parks, pedestrian areas and outdoor steps are missing.

Please keep in mind that features from OSM are not configurable in any way - they just become part of the basemap on which the “real” paths, buildings and POIs are placed inside the MazeMap admin tool.

When you have added/fixed the paths in OSM, it it easy to place the outdoors path network on top of the basemap paths in the MazeMap path tool.

Here is a list of the most common features in OSM that are visible in the MazeMap base map:

  • Buildings

  • Foots paths

  • Pedestrian areas

  • Parks

  • Roads

  • Car parks

  • Grass / Garden

  • Scrub

  • Water / Lakes

  • Recreation Grounds

  • Steps/outdoor staircases

  • Marked cross walks

Please note that not all OSM features are brought across to the MazeMap basemap.

You might need to create OSM foot paths outside the campus boundaries (e.g. to the nearest train station) in order for the path not to use roads for vehicles. Remember mark the roads around the area as not open for foot traffic.


When you’ve submitted your edits in OSM, the changes should appear in the MazeMap basemap within 14 days. If the changes don’t appear, please send an email to MapBox (support@mapbox.zendesk.com) with the following details:
- Explain that a recent change in OSM is not showing in the MazeMap base map
- The date you made the change
- The change set ID
- A link to the location in OSM
- A link to the location on http://use.mazemap.com


Here you can find detailed information on how to edit Open Street Map:



Importing OSM POIs into MazeMap

It’s not something we provide support for, but it is possible to import OSM POIs into MazeMap. Here are a few pointers:

Use QGIS and the Quick OSM plugin to export OSM POIs and OSM buildings within the campus boundaries.
Use a vector tools to turn the OSM building polygons into point POIs. Export the OSM POIs and the OSM buildings-as-points into CSVs with latitude and longitude for each point in the correct datum, clean the data as much as possible.

Then use the external POI list import to upload the POIs to MazeMap: https://mazemap.atlassian.net/l/c/8vHq7uf2


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