Map Update Guide

Map Update Guide

Map Update Introduction

Your MazeMap Customer Agreement specifies the number of map updates included during your license year, typically amounting to four updates annually.

Each request to MazeMap is considered a single update. When you have multiple floor plans to update, ensure they're sent as one bulk update. This should list the Building, Floor to be updated, and the name of the updated drawing.

Updates typically cover:

  • Correcting Building Alignments

  • Incorporating additional inventory layers, e.g., furniture

  • Adjusting internal layouts like adding rooms, walls, or doors to a previously mapped floor

  • Renaming rooms

  • Modifying or adding Points of Interests (POIs) or zones such as desks and vending machines

  • Enlarging a floor or integrating a new floor into an existing building (provided there's available purchased SQM)

  • Alterations to the path network, both outside and inside buildings

Should you exceed the number of updates mentioned in your agreement, additional charges will apply. Increases in the mapped area are costed based on the Gross Floor Area (GFA) of the new mapped space, categorised into:

  1. Establishment: Pertaining to the inception of the maps

  2. Annual License: Covering the recurring annual usage

Your Customer Success Manager will be in touch with a proposal.

Note: If an extra update or an increase in SQM leads to additional charges, customers will be presented with a pricing proposal. To approve, either affix the signed proposal or a purchase order to the corresponding support ticket.


Further Reading

  • Support Ticket Logging and Resolution Process: To understand how to create and monitor support tickets, refer to our Support Ticket Logging and Resolution Process.

  • Escalation Process: If you feel your support ticket requires escalated attention, please refer to our Escalation Process.

  • Feature Request Process: Interested in suggesting a new feature or enhancement? Check out our Feature Request Process for steps on submitting your ideas.

Map Updates Process

MazeMap ensures that maps are up-to-date and accurate. If you notice any discrepancies or have updates, follow the steps below to request changes:

Step 1: Prepare Your Update Details

  • Compile all required information, such as updated drawings, photos, or marked-up drawings that indicate the requested changes.

  • For multiple floor plans, group them as a single bulk update. List the Building and Floor to be updated and include the updated drawing name.

Step 2: Initiate the Update Request

  • Visit the MazeMap support portal.

  • Create a new request and select the "Map Update" category.

  • Upload the relevant files and provide as much detail as possible.

Step 3: Submission Formats

  • Preferred formats include CAD (DWG), IFC, and PDFs.

  • In the absence of drawings, upload marked-up images of floor plans and provide explanations. Photos can also be useful. Alternatively, use MazeMap’s Doodle tool to mark up the floor.

Step 4: Monitor Your Request

  • Check the status of your map update through the MazeMap Support Portal.

  • You'll receive real-time status updates, including notifications upon completion.

Turnaround Time:

The projected completion time for updates may fluctuate, contingent on the number of drawings. Nevertheless, MazeMap is committed to prompt turnarounds.

Communication and Updates:

Monitor the progression of your map updates by viewing the ticket on the MazeMap Support Portal. It offers real-time status updates and notifies you upon task completion.

Facility Management System (FMS) Updates:

For patrons employing a Facilities Management System (FMS), only dispatch drawing updates to MazeMap post-publication, not merely after saving. A fair use policy governs FMS drawing updates.

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