MazeMap Implementation Guide

MazeMap Implementation Guide


This is MazeMap Implementation Guide gives an overview of the steps for the delivery of MazeMap Maps.

A dedicated Customer Success Manager will be in charge of the delivery phase and will be the key point of contact.

Typical Project Deliverables

The table below provides a collection of common MazeMap Map deliverables, along with who is responsible for their delivery.


Responsible to Deliver

Project Kick Off Meeting

MazeMap / Customer

Access to the Admin Tool


Training Plan


Access to Support and Documentation


Provide Building Manifest, POI list (room data) and CAD files.


Provide training sessions (POI + path tool)


Tweak/add manual POI data

Customer (MazeMap will provide training)


Customer / MazeMap

Delivered Maps and Routing *


Tweak map views


Map Integrations and embedding



  • The customer will typically provide, in writing, that each deliverable has been reviewed and accepted before work will begin on the next deliverable. Typical delivery expectation is an estimated completion date of the applicable deliverables provided no time delays are caused by the customer or a third party.

Project Phases

Kickoff Phase


The kick off Phase signals the beginning of your MazeMap project delivery. It involves a collaborative meeting to establish tasks, deliverables, and deadlines for a successful engagement.

During this phase, the Customer Success Manager and the Customer will arrange regular project status meetings, with the frequency and reporting methods tailored to the project's scale and your preferences.

As part of this phase, MazeMap will work with the customer to define a tailored training plan for administrators, IT staff, and key operational users. This ensures that the team is fully prepared to manage the platform before deployment. The training will align with the organisation's needs and follow the overall project timeline. For a detailed breakdown of training phases and user roles, refer to the MazeMap Training Plan.

Duration and Timeline:

Estimated duration: This varies on the size of the area to be mapped for the customer, scope of integrations. A launch date will be agreed during the kick off Meeting.

Key Roles:

To ensure a smooth project kickstart, the following roles are anticipated:

MazeMap Team:

  • Customer Success Manager

  • Delivery Team Manager

  • Sales Representative

  • Regional Sales Manager

Customer's Team:

  • Customer Project Manager

  • Building Data Expert (Facilities or Properties Team)

  • Application Expert (if applicable)

  • WiFi Expert (if applicable)

  • Administrator


Prompt responses from project participants are crucial, especially in providing necessary data, insights, and inputs related to the maps' delivery. This encompasses campus layout, floor plans, room data, other POI data, and indoor positioning details (if applicable).

Customer Responsibilities:

During this phase the customer is responsible for providing data on the campus, buildings, floors and POI’s to be mapped, including:

  • Campus layout (DWG or PDF)

  • Building Manifest (click here)

    • Building ID

    • Building Name

    • Floor Name

    • Floor Level

    • Floor z-level

    • Drawing file name

  • CAD files

  • Room POI list (click here)

    • Room ID matching drawing labels/room ID in CAD files.

    • Building ID

    • Floor ID

    • Room Name

    • Room Type

    • Searchable names

    • Identifier (linkable tag)

  • List of POI Types/categories:

    • POI Type Name

    • POI Icons

    • POI Type Colour

    • POI Type Options (searchable, selectable in drop-down menu etc)

The Customer Success Manager will share templates to help with the collation of map data.


  • Signed MazeMap Contract

  • Customer sharing of DWG drawings, campus, building and room data

  • DWG drawing files that follow the guidelines

Risks and Mitigations:

  • Risks during this phase include map quality, access to DWGs, and access to POI data which is mitigated by holding regular meetings with the customer.

  • The team will review provided floor plan drawings. Should they not meet the specified requirements, delays might occur due to incomplete information. Any updates or changes provided by the customer during digitization may impact delivery times.

Phase deliverables include:

  • Kick off meeting with the MazeMap team

  • Customer setup and granted access to the MazeMap Admin Tool

  • Customer access to user and JS API documentation (if applicable)

  • Customer handing over campus, building and POI data.

  • Training Plan Developed

  • Review provided floor plan drawings

  • Initial mapping of one building to verify drawing quality and POI list


Delivery Phase


The Delivery Phase marks the commencement of campus mapping. Our dedicated delivery team, armed with the data collected during the kick off Phase, initiates the process by aligning the base campus map, setting up buildings, and defining associated floors. Then follows the processing of the CAD files.

Progress Tracking:

We’ll keep you informed of mapping progress via a Google sheet document that tracks the status of each building for map and path generation. This Google sheet will be shared by the Customer Success Manager and serves the dual purpose of tracking the delivery team's progress and preparing for the next Quality Assurance (QA) Phase.

However, we encourage you to start the QA process during the delivery phase. When a building has been processed, our mapping team will mark it as “Ready for QA” in the shared Google sheet. The customer can then QA the floor plan layout and path network in the building. If something needs to be corrected, please submit a ticket as described here. When a building passes QA, the customer notes it in the shared Google Sheet.

Duration and Timeline:

Estimated duration: This varies on the size of the area to be mapped for the customer and determined during the kick off meeting.

Key Roles:

MazeMap Team:

  • Delivery Team

  • Customer Success Manager

Customer's Team:

  • Customer Project Manager

  • Building Data Expert (Facilities or Properties Team)

Customer Responsibilities:

During the Delivery Phase the customer is expected to QA processed buildings and path networks on a continuous basis.


  • Customer sharing of DWG drawings, campus, building and POI data.

  • Suitable DWG drawing files

Risks and Mitigations:

Phase deliverables include:

  • Delivered maps with floor plans and room data.

  • Completed internal and external paths

  • Project Tracking Sheet showing the status of the mapping progress.

Quality Assurance (QA) Phase


MazeMap provides a comprehensive indoor and outdoor wayfinding solution. To ensure the accuracy and completeness of the MazeMap platform, the Customer will have a defined QA period from the moment MazeMap delivers a building and makes it available online. During this period, the Customer should review various elements and functionalities.

Duration and Timeline:

Estimated duration: This varies on the size of the area to be mapped for the customer and determined during the kick off meeting.

Key Roles:

MazeMap Team:

  • Delivery Team

  • Customer Success Manager

Customer's Team:

  • Customer Project Manager

  • Building Data Expert (Facilities or Properties Team)

  • Administrator

Customer Responsibilities:


During the QA Phase, the Customer should review the following items;

  • Building Placement: Ensure that buildings are in the correct places, properly scaled, and have the correct orientation.

  • Floor Plans: Confirm the correctness and accuracy of the mapped floors.

  • Pathing: Validate indoor paths on the same floor, between floors, between rooms in different buildings, and outdoor paths. Pay special attention to paths that include indoor stairs and ensure they are correctly marked as inaccessible.

  • Entrances and Exits: Verify that paths are using the correct building entrances and exits, and not relying on fire stairs or emergency exits.

  • POI Types: Validate POI types, additional titles, icons, colours, and POI type options.

  • POI Details: Verify that POI information has been imported correctly, either via manual POI import or FMS Integration.


Who is responsible for which corrections

Type of correction

Responsible to fix

Type of correction

Responsible to fix

Building layout and placement


Floor play layout

MazeMap (Customer might be responsible for providing corrected drawings)

Path network

MazeMap (Customer will receive training and can correct themselves)

Room data (connected to room IDs in drawings)

Customer to correct POI list

POI types


Manual POI data (AEDs, Printers etc)

Customer to add and correct

QA Progress Tracking:

  • During the Delivery Process, the Customer Support Manager will have shared a Google sheet that shows the status of each campus, building, and floor that has been mapped.

  • For each floor, the Customer will need to mark that they have checked the maps, points of interest (POIs), and paths. In case of any issues, the Customer should submit a ticket (click here).

First QA Review Period:

During the Quality Assurance process, which primarily involves reviewing the maps, the following steps apply:

  1. MazeMap shares a mapping status Google Sheet, providing an overview of the mapping progress during the delivery phase.

  2. The Customer is required to thoroughly examine the mapped floors and confirm that they have checked the maps, paths, and points of interest (POIs) within that document

  3. Any issues or concerns identified by the Customer should be documented in the shared Google Sheet (e.g. Ticket submitted).

  4. MazeMap will promptly address and rectify the issues raised.

  5. Please note that MazeMap will only accept notifications and corrections via tickets.

  6. The Customer is granted 5 working days to complete their review after the maps have been delivered.

Correction Process:

In cases where inconsistencies or errors are solely caused by MazeMap's actions or omissions and are reported within the review period, MazeMap will correct these issues as a service free of charge. All other corrections and changes may be subject to additional charges or considered as part of the annual map update process, depending on the nature and scope of the requested changes.

Second QA Review Period:

After MazeMap has made the necessary corrections and the delivered maps, a second review is available to the Customer. The Customer has 5 working days to conduct a second review. MazeMap will provide at least 2 working days' notice before initiating this second review period.

Final Approval or Further Corrections:

If the Customer finds that previously reported errors are not sufficiently corrected, they should report these remaining issues as a single set of corrections to the MazeMap Customer Service Manager via a support ticket. Once again, the Project Manager will request written approval of the delivered maps, and the Customer is expected to respond within the allocated time. If no response is received, and no correction requests are made, the map is considered accepted.

Discussion and Third Round of Corrections:

If the Customer did make correction requests during the Second Review Period, MazeMap may arrange a meeting to discuss these requests. Corrections agreed upon by both parties will be implemented. However, if, after the third round of corrections, the Customer still finds inconsistencies or errors that MazeMap believes cannot be reasonably resolved, it is the Customer’s responsibility to take measures to make it possible to resolve.

Go live Phase:

When the Quality Assurance Phase is completed, MazeMap hands it over to the Customer for final delivery and signoff.

From here on the project through its lifetime is in the Operational Phase. At this point, the point of contact for the Customer is the Customer Success Manager.

During the Operations Phase the Customer will have access to 4 annual annual updates maps (if a Generic FMS integrations has not been purchased).

Map updates shall be reviewed and possible corrections made in accordance with the rules and procedures described in the QA Phase section above.

Delivery Assumptions:

The typical project delivery estimate pertains solely to the time MazeMap requires to complete relevant deliverables. This estimate excludes any delays caused by the Customer or other third parties in furnishing requested information and/or taking necessary actions during and following each deliverable. In this context, "requested information" refers to the data MazeMap seeks from the Customer or relevant third parties to make informed decisions and/or endorse the completion of deliverables, wherever necessary or as requested.

MazeMap will issue written notices (email communication is acceptable) whenever the Customer or applicable third parties are required to provide information and/or take action for MazeMap to resume its services. Any delays stemming from the Customer or third parties will halt the running time of the typical delivery estimate until such time that the requisite information and/or action is provided to MazeMap, facilitating the resumption of services.

Customer Integrations

MazeMap offers a comprehensive platform that includes embedded maps and a JavaScript API (Application Programming Interface) as part of the platform. Integration with MazeMap is streamlined through the use of these tools, which are essential for seamless inclusion in your native application. In this section, we provide a concise overview of the key steps to kickstart the integration process with MazeMap. Click here to see a more detailed and comprehensive guide.


http://use.mazemap.com: This is our user-friendly web application that provides easy access to our maps, allowing you to explore and utilise them effortlessly.

Embedding http://use.mazemap.com on a Website: For seamless integration into your website, we offer the option to embed http://use.mazemap.com. This enables your visitors to access our maps directly from your site, enhancing their overall experience.

JS API for Custom Maps Creation: For those seeking complete control and customization of maps to meet unique requirements, our JavaScript API (Application Programming Interface) empowers you to create custom maps tailored to your specific needs.

Additionally, as part of our commitment to your success, access to the Admin Tool will be granted during the kick-off phase. This access will enable you to initiate your own development work and get started on leveraging MazeMap's solutions to their fullest potential.

Should you encounter any challenges, inconsistencies, or wish to explore further options, please don't hesitate to reach out to our dedicated support team. We are here to assist you

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