Test Published Paths

Test Published Paths


Published paths can now be tested directly in the Path editor. This way you can see how a path looks like on the live map without having to test it on the map itself. That makes it easier to test a path after e.g. creating new paths, delete paths or adjusting the path network.

Important note: Edits in the Path editor always need to be saved by clicking on “Saved Changes” and then published by clicking on “Publish Map” before they can be tested.


To test a path in the POI editor, please open the “Test Published Paths”-section on the left-hand sidebar after you've published the map.

Please note that paths that are edited and saved will appear in purple instead of blue.

The mentioned section will appear and looks as in the following picture:

Please watch the video below and read through the detailed description below the video for more information about how you can test published paths:


Start point


To test a path you have to select a start and end point on the map of the POI editor. Let`s start with selecting a start point by clicking on the “Place START”-button.


The green button will disappear and is replaced with the action request “Click on map”.


Please choose a start point for your path now and set it up by clicking on the map. A “Start”-icon will appear on the map.


End Point


You will have to place the “End point” for your path now. Therefore, please click on the blue “Place END”-button. This button will also disappear and replaced with the same action request as for the start point.

After you chose an end point by clicking on the map our system will automatically create a path between those two points based on the existing path network. The path will appear and be highlighted in blue. You can find an example below:




If you want to double check if the path looks the same when you switch the start point with the end point and the other way around, then you just need to click on “Reverse” like shown in the screenshot below.

This will switch the points around and show the path.


Avoid stairs & obstacles


If you want to test how the path looks like when avoiding stairs or obstacles (because that is also possible on the live map) you will have to tick the box where it says “Avoid stairs/ obstacles”. This will, if there is a conflict, change the path and will create a path which avoids stairs/obstacles.




If you are experiencing problems and e.g. a path was not created, please click the “Refresh”-button and try to load the path again.




If you done testing a path and want to start testing another path, please just click on the “Clear”-button and start over again.





Do you have more questions? Feel free to reach out to us by sending a request to support@mazemap.com.


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