

floor and beacon management site: Crowd Connected . Login credentials are in lastpass

Debugging missing bluedot

Beacon configuration checks

It has been noticed that the question mark symbol (?) instead of bluedot is mostly due to missing or wrong beacon configuration. Please check following before raising Crowdconnected positioning issues in engineering team

  • Open app in debug view and confirm that the position provider is Crowdconnected. Also check lat-lng and z level. Take screenshot to share with engineering for debugging if all the below steps are verified and still unable to fix the issue

  • Check that the Crowdconnected position provider is configured correctly in Mazemap admintool. Ex: confirm credentials

  • beacon configurations are present in Crowdconnected Positioning configurations -> Beacons

  • check that the beacons are present in one of beacon scanner apps https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.alea.beaconsimulator&gl=GB. If they are not, it could be that batteries may be dead. Try replacing with new batteries

  • check that all beacons configuration details such as UUID, major , minor and batch values are correct comparing with data from beacon scanner app. Note that beacon scanner may not show complete UUID, use landscape mode to see complete UUID. Correct any wrong configuration


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