New Customers: Onboarding help package
Welcome, new customer! We are very happy to have you join us, and hope that a brief introduction of our self-help page and common topics will ease you into administering MazeMap for your company.
On the main Self-help page page, there are four main sections:
In order to go back to the main page for full overview of resources available to you, click here:
1. Search Bar
In our search bar, you can type in your question or keywords to find answers for any problems you encounter or situations you wonder about. Suggestions will pop up as you type.
2. FAQ section
All of the questions are grouped into 3 categories: Points of Interest (POIs)/Icons, Paths and Use, Integrations, etc.
As a new customer, the following questions might be most relevant for you:
- How to create a POI - point and polygon (area)
- We want to show the position of the defibrillator in our map. Is that possible, and if so, how do I place it?
- How do I create a path?
- Where do we find a specific room’s URL?
3. User Guides
Guides are grouped into 3 categories: Map Editor Functionalities, Positioning, and External Integrations etc.
As a new customer, the most relevant guides for you might be:
4. Browse by keywords
We have put labels on topics that could be useful for you if you wish to search by keywords. This is useful to look at if you are unfamiliar with some of our terms.