Source Node & Target Node: How to differentiate between them?

Source Node & Target Node: How to differentiate between them?


In MazeMap, we are using the expressions “Source Node” and “Target Node” in the POI editor, which basically means starting point and end point of a path. As you learned, creating a path will produce two nodes, which will be connected. A definition of both should help to differentiate between them:

Source Node: The node which will be created by starting to draw a path, which means it is the start node of a path.

Target Node: The end node of a path. A target node will end the path and therefore be created when you finished drawing a path.


How can you find out which node is the target node and which one is the source node?

Every path in the POI editor has two nodes, a source node and an end node. It is impossible to see which of the nodes is which by just looking at them.


There is an easy way to visualise the information in the POI editor itself by clicking on the path (the blue line of the path).


The source node will automatically become green and in addition a “S” will be appear in the green node. On the other hand, the target node will become a blue node with including a “T” inside of it.



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