LIPI for CMX Offline Installation Guide.

LIPI for CMX Offline Installation Guide.

This guide will explain what needs to be done Step-by-step to install the LIPI, when you don’t plan to connect it to the internet.

If you are, however, considering using internet for the installation and for operational use of the LIPI, kindly refer to

Time needed: 30 minutes.

PREREQUISITES for the LIPI Installation

Requirements for the LIPI server

  • Can be virtual or physical, does not matter.

    • No OVA currently available, one of the supported OSes needs to be installed.

    • Supported Operating systems: Newest stable Ubuntu or Debian.

    • Server/Virtual Machine(VM) specs: Tested to work with single Core VM with 3.5 GB Ram and 7 GB HDD.

Requirements for the network

  • Open port 443 from LIPI server to CMX (https for API).

    • Open port 443 from all wireless clients to LIPI (https for position requests).

    • Traffic from Wireless Clients to LIPI must not pass through NAT.

Requirements for the CMX 

  • CMX set up with Location services activated and sufficient licenses.

    • Building maps, with correct map scaling and a minimum of 3 GPS markers per floor need to be set up on Cisco Prime, exported and imported into CMX.

      • GPS markers should use coordinates created using MazeMaps own map. MazeMap provides a tool for generating these. You can find the POI inspector-tool here: https://debug.mazemap.com/

    • Access points must be placed correctly (within a meter of actual location) in the maps in Cisco Prime.

    • Enable the API server

      cmxos apiserver enable cmxos apiserver restart
    • CMX GUI user for MazeMap with Full Read Only privileges set up on CMX.

    • CMX CLI API user with full Read and API access. Both CMX GUI and CLI users should have the same username/password
      To create a CMX CLI user ssh into your CMX and run the following command:

      cmxos apiserver user add

You will be asked to type in a username and password for the user - use the same username and password as you used for the GUI user.



In order to upgrade the LIPI you will need the following:

  • SSH access to the LIPI server.

  • Access to CMX GUI (browser) and CLI (terminal).

  • Pre-installed java in the server openjdk-8-jre-headless

  • A device that is connected to the WiFi network that is used for positioning purposes. This requires you being on site at the campus and using public wifi network

  • Access to Map Editor in MazeMap https://admin.mazemap.com/

  • LIPI 4.x software update tool that can be downloaded from here: https://storage.mazemap.com/lipi/latest/lipi

  • Optional: FTP software (For example FileZilla), for easier moving files in the server.

Update an existing LIPI configuration:

  1. Download the install script by going to:

  2. Transfer the installer file to your LIPI server.

    1. Open up a File Transfer Protocol software (for example FileZilla) and connect to your LIPI server.

    2. Upload the file you downloaded. Place the folder in your user’s home folder.

  3. Make the LIPI file executable:

    chmod +x lipi


  4. Add lipi command to your path. (root privilege required)

    mv lipi /usr/local/bin/


  5. To complete the installation of the install script write the following:

    lipi --setup


  6. You will get the following question, click Enter:

    Mazemap API key (leave blank and hit <enter> for offline installation):


  7. You are requested to input the installation folder. We recommend you to name the folder lipi-install

    Installation folder: lipi-install


  8. You should now get the following message, this means that you ave successfully installed the tool we use to install and set up the LIPI correctly.

    Setup complete


  9. Download the newest LIPI version by logging in to Map Editor perform the following steps

    1. Navigate to the Indoor positioning menu.


    2. Click on LIPI Configuration


    3. Expand a LIPI configuration and click on generate.


    4. Click option and then Download ZIP:


    5. Transfer the installer file to your LIPI server.

    1. Open up a File Transfer Protocol software (for example FileZilla) and connect to your LIPI server.

    2. Upload the file you downloaded. Place the folder in your user’s home folder.

  10. In order to update do the following:

    lipi --install 4.1.0 --lipi-path <path-to-downloaded-zip>


  11. You will get the following questions. Press Enter for question number 1 and 2. Press y for question 3.

    Enter lipi_port (<enter> to keep "443"): Enter lipi server protocol (<enter> to keep "https") Ready to activate. Continue (y/n)?

    You should get the message:

    Stopping current lipi version: OK Waiting for LIPI to start (up to 30 sec): ....OK Saving config: OK


  12. This will use the config.json file from the previous installation. To specify a config.json file:

lipi --update-config --config-path <path-to-config.json-file>
  1. Run the following command to get a status:

    lipi --status

    You should get the message:

    Checking lipi installation... OK Running shallow health checks... OK Running deep health checks... OK Status: healthy Version: 4.0.1Installed at: 2019-11-06 14:14:19


  2. Test and verify that the LIPI is running.

    1. Open a browser and go to https://debug.mazemap.com/lipi/

    2. Click on “Refresh List” and your LIPI should show up in the list.

    3. Click on the blue “Test”-button associated to your LIPI.

    4. If all tests are green and says “PASSED” it means your LIPI is working as expected without any issues. You can now go to use.mazemap.com and test that the blue dot is working as it did prior to the update.

    5. If one or more of the tests says “FAILED” contact MazeMap support at support@mazemap.com and describe the problem. Please take a screenshot of the tests and attach it to the email. Also click on the blue button on the bottom of the page that says “Send results to MazeMap”.



If you need any help while doing the upgrade, you are welcome to send a mail to support@mazemap.com. If needed we can also schedule a meeting and go through the update together with you.

Good luck!

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